夜翎 发表于 2020-8-29 15:18:17


  下面与大家分享下飞机上那些常见的英文广播词,平时在听说练习时可以做为参考。  1.女士们,先生们:  现在客舱乘务员将进行飞行前安全检查,请您系好安全带,打开遮阳板,并确认所有电子设备已关闭。谢谢!  Ladies andgentlemen:  Now thecabin crew will make pre-flight safety check. Please fasten your seat belt, open the window shade, and make sure allelectronic devices have been switched off. Thank you!  2.女士们,先生们:  现在飞机已经离开() 前往( ) 。  旅途中我们为您提供 点心/正餐/小吃/热便食及各类饮料,同时还为您准备了书报杂志。(本架飞机设有听音装置,您可以用耳机欣赏不同的节目。)  今天航班的机长业务熟练,技术精湛,是一位具有多年安全飞行经验和保持良好飞行记录的出色机长。同时,我们的“亲情使者”具有丰富的服务经验,将专职负责特殊旅客和特殊照顾的服务。  (本次航班荣幸地被中国民用航空总局命名为文明航班。)  (本次航班荣幸地被民航华东管理局 命名为/确定为创建文明航班。)  (本次航班荣幸地被上海航空公司 命名为/确定为创建文明航班。)  为了您在旅途中的安全,当您入坐时,我们建议您系好安全带。  飞行中如有任何需求,请和客舱乘务员联系。祝您旅途愉快!谢谢!  Ladies andGentlemen:  We havejust left () for ().  During ourtrip, we shall provide the service ofrefreshments/meals/a snack/dinners/lunch/ with beverages. We have preparednewspapers, magazines for you.  (Thisaircraft has audio system; you can use the earphone tochoose what you like.)  Ourcaptain is a pilot with rich flying experiences. As a result, his perfect flying skills will assure you a safe journey. Meanwhile, our“Amiable Angel(s)”in the cabin. Who has/have rich working experiences, will take care of the special passengers.  To ensureyour safety during the flight, we advise you to fastenyour seatbelt while seated. If you have any needs or requirements, please let us know.  Wish you apleasant journey! Thank you!  3.女士们,先生们:  上航常旅客计划奖项丰富、里程累积长期有效,如果您有意加入我们的常客计划,可向乘务员索取申请表。您填完以后可以直接交给乘务员,或者邮寄给上航的“常旅客服务中心”。已经持卡的旅客,请出示会员卡,我们将为您累积里程。谢谢!  Ladies andGentlemen:  Our “Frequent Flyer Program” is good forpassengers who flying with Shanghai Airlines. And there is no expiry date foryour accumulated mileages. If you want to join the program, you can get application form from our cabin crew. After finishingthe form, you can return it to our cabin crew, or mail the form to our Frequent Flyer Center. If you have the membercard, we will record mileages right now. Thank you!  4.女士们,先生们:  为了保证您在旅途中得到良好的休息,我们将调暗客舱灯光,需要阅读书刊的旅客,可打开阅读灯。请您在休息期间系好安全带。如您需要帮助,请按呼唤铃。(由于飞机将在清晨到达,我们建议您拉下遮阳板,以免阳光干扰您的休息。)谢谢!  Ladies andgentlemen:  To ensureyou a good rest, now we will dim the cabin lights. Ifyou would like to read, you may use the reading light.We advise you to keep your seat belt fastened, as aprecaution against sudden turbulence. Your cooperation in keeping the cabinquiet will be appreciated. Please press the call button for service. (Since wewill be arriving in the morning, you are suggested toclose the window shade.) Thank you!  5.女士们,先生们:  本架飞机预计 到达 机场。地面温度为摄氏 度,华氏 度。谢谢!  (飞机即将下降,我们将关闭机上娱乐系统,乘务员将到您面前收取耳机。)  Ladies andGentlemen:  Our flightis expected to arrive at Airport at AM/PM. The ground temperature is degreescentigrade or degrees Fahrenheit. (As we will be landing shortly, please have your headsets ready for our collection.) Thank you!  6.女士们,先生们:  我们已经抵达机场。(外面正在下 雨/雪,下机时请注意地面路滑。)飞机仍在滑行,请您不要离开座位,并保持移动电话置于关断状态。当安全带指示灯熄灭后,再解开安全带。打开行李架时,请注意安全,以免行李滑落。您的交运行李请到候机楼行李提取处领取。(需要转机的旅客请您到候机楼出发大厅办理手续。)  [继续前往____的旅客,请您稍后下机,请将手提物品置于行李架内,贵重物品请随身携带。下机后请向地面人员领过站登机牌,并留意候机楼广播通知。]  (对于本次航班的延误,我们再次深表歉意。)  感谢您选乘上海航空公司班机,下次旅途再见。 谢谢!  Ladies andgentlemen:  We havelanded at airport. (It’s raining/snowing outside.Please watch your steps.) The plane is now still taxiing; please don not open your seat belt until the Fasten Seat Belt Signgoes off. Please do not turn on your mobile phone before you deplane. Take carewhen opening the overhead compartment. Your checked baggage may be claimed inthe terminal. (Transit passengers please proceed to the departure hall in theterminal building to arrange for your connecting flight.)    (Weapologize again for the delay.)  Thanks forchoosing Shanghai Airlines, and we are looking forwardto serving you  again.Thank you & Good-bye!  更多精彩可关注下北京新东方中学全科教育的听说读写拔高课程,综合“听力、口语、阅读、写作、词汇、语法和文化素质拓展”模块,提升学生英语综合能力,帮助学生应对不断变化的各类应用需求,逐渐回归语言本质。
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